"soft knee" only means that it's not a "sharp knee," just like the word "fat" means only that the person isn't "skinny." To see exactly what a particular compression curve does, you have to look at a chart (like the ones posted). Will the full 4:1 compression ratio ever fully be applied to that signal if I have a soft knee? Say I have a compression ratio of 4:1 and a relatively quiet sound crosses the threshold. oh, protect your speakers from getting blown, or digital equivalent. Its intent is not so much to alter the sound, but to. It means a compressor that has really high ratio & a sharp knee. The threshold is the point at which the line begins to deviate from 45 degrees (the " do nothing" line), and starts compressing (angle becomes shallower than 45), or expanding (ratio knob to the left).Įdit: A limiter is just another word for compressor. It's the knee that defines how the transition from 1:1 to comes on. If the line is at a shallower angle, it's like turning down the volume - again, uninteresting, you can do it with a volume knob.

Depending on how sharp it makes that corner, it will be hard or soft.Ĥ5 degree line is means that whatever the input volume does, output volume does X = Y. The point where line going from the bottom left corner to the top right stops going to the top right corner, and makes a turn? That's the knee. If you know of any more, send a mod mail! r/JunkFolder - post unfinished tracks here for others to finish

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